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A Rare Beauty Campaign: Selena Gomez Advocates for the ‘Good Call’ Movement

As a seasoned journalist with a decade of engagement in the craft, I present to you Selena Gomez’s heartfelt and open divulgence regarding her mental health odyssey in an exclusive with PEOPLE. Gomez, with the celebrity aura of a seasoned songstress and actress, backs the ‘Make a Good Call’ campaign by Rare Beauty, proposing proactive steps towards mental wellness by encouraging candid dialogues with confidants or through the brand’s designated support line.

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Navigating life at 31, Gomez offers an intimate glimpse into her past struggles, acknowledging the integral role of seeking aid in managing mental health. With sincerity, she voices a retrospective wish to have been her own advocate earlier in life, underlining the critical importance of a supportive and understanding environment when grappling with psychological hurdles.

Coinciding with Mental Health Awareness Month, Rare Beauty’s ‘Make a Good Call’ campaign serves as a beacon for those wrestling with mental health woes, championing the return to foundational human connections. It champions the act of reaching out—a call to a distant friend, a conversation radiating warmth to someone yearning to hear a familiar voice.

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Gomez shares a slice of her life, a testament to the campaign’s essence, by recounting recent earnest conversations, such as the one with her Nana. Her narrative focuses on the vitality of maintaining and cherishing familial ties.

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The public has witnessed Gomez’s mental health journey through various channels, most notably her raw and revealing Apple TV+ documentary, Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me. Here, she confronts her battles with bipolar disorder and lupus with courage, bringing to light the profound effect these conditions have exerted on her personal and professional life.

In stepping into the arena of mental health advocacy, Gomez dedicates herself to emboldening others to take heed of their mental health and to bravely reach for support. Her candidness in sharing her trials and triumphs, coupled with her plea for heartfelt human connections, cultivates a sanctuary for empathy and solidarity for those navigating the turbulent waters of similar mental health challenges.

Selena Gomez’s active engagement with Rare Beauty’s ‘Make a Good Call’ campaign crystalizes her dedication to mental health discourse. Her unwavering commitment to share her narrative and to galvanize others towards embracing self-care and seeking support contributes significantly to heightening awareness and creating an empathetic space for the mental health dialogue to flourish.

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